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This privacy policy (the “Policy”) of Fin (London) Limited, company number 5281113, with registered office at 22 Soho Square, London W1D 4NS (hereafter “Fin”, we” or “us”) sets out how Fin uses, collects and protects information about you when you use our website (the “Website”) and our production services (the “Services”).

Fin is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this Website or our Services, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this Policy.

Fin may change this Policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from periodically to ensure that you are happy with any changes. If you do not wish to accept the new Policy you should not continue to use the Website and/or our Services (as applicable). If you continue to use the Website and/or our Services (as applicable) after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of the Website and/or our Services (as applicable) indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Policy.

This Policy was last changed on March 7 2022.

This Policy can be stored or printed using the menu button on your browser.


1. ICO Registration:

For the purposes of data protection legislation, Fin is the controller of the processing of your personal data. Fin has notified the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”) of its processing of personal data. The notification indicates what data is processed by Fin and for what purpose, and to which persons or entities the data will be provided. Click here to consult the notification in the public register of the ICO . Fin’s registration number is ZA426141.


2. What we collect from you:

        (a) Fin may collect the following information from you when you use its Services:

                (i) any information provided to Fin when you use the Services, specifically your name, job title, company address and email address, which is provided to us by

                    you in order for us to set you up as one of our clients; and

                (ii) any information that you provide to us voluntarily during the course of us providing the Services to you and which may or may not include personal data.


        (b) Fin may collect the following information from you when you use the Website:

                (i) any information when you enter into the Website and submit a message on the ‘Contact’ tab of the Website, specifically your name, job title, email address,

                    together with any other information you submit in connection with such message e.g., your CV; and

                (ii) the information collected by Fin’s use of cookies and similar technologies (please see Clause 9 below).

3. How the information collected by you, when you use the Website or our Services, is used:

The information about you described in Clause 2 may be used by Fin as follows:

        (a) the information in Clause 2(a)(i) is used to allow Fin to set you up as a client;

        (b) the information in Clause 2 (a)(ii) is used to allow Fin to provide the Services to you;

        (c) the information in Clause 2(b)(i) is used to allow Fin to contact you via email following the submission of your message to us, which is an optional feature of the


        (d) the information in Clause 2(b)(ii) enables Fin to undertake administrative tasks in relation to the management of the Website, to provide technical support and

             troubleshooting and to tweak, tune and improve the Website and the products featured on the Website;

        (e) some of the information in Clause 2(a) and 2(b)(i) may be used for internal record keeping; and

        (f) all of the information set out in Clause 2 is shared with third parties as described in Clause 5 below.


4. Grounds for processing:

Fin relies on the following processing grounds to collect the information set out at Clause 2:


        (a) Necessity in terms of the information collected under Clause 2(a)(i) and your name and e-mail address collected under Clause 2(b)(i), which are required in order

              to set you up as a client and/or respond to your message (as applicable); and

        (b) The legitimate interests processing ground to collect the information in Clause 2(a)(ii) and the information set out in Clause 2(b)(ii). It is in Fin’s legitimate interests

              to collect such items of personal data in order to provide and improve the Services that it offers to you and to make, provide and improve the Website. The items

              of personalised data, in being limited to “business card” data and/or “technical” type data, are not of a nature whereby your rights and freedoms as a data subject

              are outweighed by such data collection.



5. Sharing information with third parties:

 Fin shall not sell, distribute or lease your information to third parties, unless we have your permission, or we are required by law to do so. Your information may, subject

 to Fin’s obligations to comply with applicable data protection legislation, be shared with the following third parties:

        (a) Our internal storage drive, which stores a copy of all of our digital data.

        (b) Our internal electronic office documentation, any such providers having access to some or all of our digital data at any one time depending on the projects that we

             are working on at the time.

        (c) Our local media server which may have access to certain electronic movie files should you ask us to provide you with these.

        (d) Third-party data security services which assists us in destroying our electronic media in accordance with our retention policy.

        (e) Third-party secure paper destruction services which assist us in destroying our paper media in accordance with our retention policy

        (f) Anonymised form, Fin may share this information with:

                (i) any third party, in relation to the sale of some or all of Fin’s business or its assets, or as part of any business restructure or reorganisation. Fin will take steps 

                    with the aim of ensuring that your rights continue to be protected if your personal data is transferred in accordance with this clause;

               (ii) data aggregators and platform providers as part of an analysis of user metrics or sales performance; or

               (iii) law enforcement agencies in compliance with law enforcement.



6. Links to third party websites and third-party adverts:

Our Website may contain links to other websites of interest. You should check the Policy of each site even if you access them via the Website. You should check the Policy of each site you visit and contact its owner or operator if you have any concerns or questions.



7. Security:

Fin is committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.



8. Storage and data retention:

Fin stores your personal information in the EEA and we retain your personal data for 7 years, or in the case of the information set out in Clause 2(a), until the expiry of such licence/contract. We may store personal information included in Curricula Vitae willingly sent by users via the Website or by email for a period of 12 months from receipt, after which time such documentation will be permanently destroyed. We may also keep any personal information voluntarily provided via email or submitted via the ‘Contact Us’ page on the Website, until the corresponding request or question is resolved. As soon as practicable after any request is resolved or question answered, all personal information provided in connection with that request or question will be permanently destroyed.



9. How we use cookies:

        (a) What are cookies? A cookie is a small text file which asks permission to be placed on your device when you use the Website. Fin’s use of cookies is detailed 

              below. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. The use of cookies improves the

              functionality of the Website and your experience of using it, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives 

              us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

        (b) Disabling cookies: If you do not want these cookies to be served on your device, you are able to disable them by changing the settings within the Website, or on  

              your device. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

              Please note that if you decide to disable cookies you may not be able to access some of the Website, and some of the features of the Website may not function


        (c) Third Party Cookies: Third party advertisers may place or read cookies on your browser or device in the Website. This Policy is applicable only to the use of cookies

              by Fin and does not cover the use of cookies by any third parties (including advertisers or social media companies).

        (d) More information: To find out more about how cookies work, how to manage and delete them and to see which ones have been set please visit



Traffic Log Cookies:


We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Other Cookies:

Fin uses Google Analytics to collect information about how visitors use the Website, which Fin uses in turn to help improve its Services. These cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of Website users, where users are located when using the Website and the parts of the Website they visit. To opt-out of this, further information is available here: Google Analytics.



10. Exercising your rights:

        (a) You can contact us using the details set out in Clause 11 below if you wish to:

                (i) access a copy of the personal data that we hold about you;

                (ii) correct or update any items of personal data that we hold about you; and/or

                (iii) have any items of personal data that we hold about you erased or object to our processing of such items of personal data.


11. Fin details:

If at any time you would like to contact Fin about your views on this Policy or submit any enquiry relating to personal information, you can do so be sending an email to us at or write to us at Data Protection Officer, 22 Soho Square, London, W1D 4NS. You also have the right to make a complaint to the ICO by contacting them at any time.


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